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Sonya Leonard
Office Manager


Sonya is the face of the Community Counseling Center. A Wilmington native, she began her career here twenty-five years ago, and has never wanted to leave. She is the first voice our clients hear when they make their initial phone call. She eases their concerns while she arranges their appointments. Sonya also implements our sliding scale policy, making sure every client receives individualized care right from the start.


Sonya says, “I love working at the Center! Many times, people have come to me crying tears of gratitude.” She hears clients say, “My counselor has helped me so much. I don’t know what I would have done without them!” These conversations make everything come into perspective for her. They demonstrate that the Center is following its mission.


When she is not at the Center, Sonya spends time with her husband, who was her high school sweetheart, and their one grown son. She enjoys being active in her church, volunteering for the Domestic Violence Shelter, and helping the Salvation Army with their Christmas events. In her “spare” time, she enjoys outdoor activities and gardening.


Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30-4



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